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Pokemon GO Announces New 'Exploration Bonuses' and Changes to Pandemic Features

Pokemon GO Announces New 'Exploration Bonuses' and Changes to Pandemic Features. As the world recovers from the pandemic, many changes are coming to Pokemon GO, including some new exploration bonuses. 

Pokemon GO Announces New 'Exploration Bonuses' and Changes to Pandemic Features
Pokemon Go: Exploration Bonuses and Changes

Pokemon GO fans will have more to look forward to in July and the months ahead. Pokemon GO's Community Day in July 2021 will provide new Pokemon for users to capture, but it will also gradually reintroduce fans to discovering Pokemon while out and about in the real world. 

Without a doubt, the epidemic altered how Pokemon GO users could enjoy the game. A significant portion of Pokemon GO relies on outdoor exploration and contact with other players, which was discontinued in 2020. With many locations across the world beginning to recover in the second half of 2021, Niantic is following suit, beginning with the introduction of new Pokemon GO exploration incentives.

Niantic went into more information about what to expect with the newest exploration incentives in a blog post. Many of them, as predicted, center on gamers going outside and playing with their pals. Nonetheless, for security concerns, Niantic is releasing the incentives first in the United States and New Zealand. As Niantic monitors the situation, the incentives will be made accessible to more areas and locales over time. 

Due to a sudden white light appearing on-screen when a Pokemon is accessible from the world map, Niantic's Pokemon GO recently introduced an upgrade that has put gamers at danger of seizures. Now, Niantic has contacted a fan to inform them that a remedy is being implemented to alleviate the seizure risk.

To begin, the following benefits will go into effect at the end of July and will last until the Season of Discovery concludes on September 1, 2021. The good news is that some of these incentives may be carried over to the next season, with greater, newer bonuses added. Pokemon GO gamers may look forward to.

  • Spin Gym Photo Discs for up to two free Raid Passes each day.
  • When you spin a PokeStop for the first time, you get a 10x XP boost.
  • When you spin PokeStops, you'll get guaranteed rewards.
  • Incense's efficacy while moving has increased.

Furthermore, Niantic intends to remove and replace the following bonuses from last year. Pokemon GO enthusiasts appear to believe Niantic's response speed and handling of the situation is outstanding. Players are once again eagerly getting into the mobile game with numerous planned events such as the Pokemon GO Bidoof Breakout Event and the new Special Research event involving Team Rocket. Hopefully, Niantic's official upgrades will be released soon, ensuring that users remain secure while enjoying the various activities that Pokemon GO has to offer. However, players still have time to enjoy them because they won't be available until after Pokemon GO Fest in July:

  • While not moving, the Incense effectiveness increase returns to normal, with the increase in efficacy only activating while moving.
  • Niantic is encouraging trainers to play outside and get supplies from spinning PokeStops, thus the number of presents obtained from Buddy Pokemon is being lowered.
  • Interaction distances between PokeStops and Gyms are returning to normal, however they may be raised during future events and as part of specific features. 

Lastly, Niantic intends to keep the following benefits in place for the foreseeable future, making them standard features of the game:

  • The length of the incense will remain at 60 minutes.
  • The GO Battle League does not require you to walk.
  • Trainers can challenge each other through QR Codes, and the need to combat with pals remotely has been reduced to 'Good Friends.'
  • The maximum number of Gifts that may be carried in the Item Bag at any given time will remain unchanged at 20.
  • Trainers can now open 30 presents each day instead of the previous 20.
  • The first catch of the day continues to give three times the amount of Stardust and XP.

The Pokemon GO team also wants to emphasize the importance of being safe while taking part in the game. Players should constantly be mindful of their surroundings and observe all local health and safety regulations.

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