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Cyberpunk 2077 is back on PlayStation Store, but there's a huge PS4 disclaimer this time

 Cyberpunk 2077 is back on PlayStation Store, but there's a huge PS4 disclaimer this time. More improvements are on the way, as well as a next-generation update.

Image: Cyberpunk Official

Cyberpunk 2077 is back on PlayStation Store, more than six months after it was taken down. However, PS4 players should be aware that the game has returned with a major warning. “While we strive to enhance stability across all platforms, users may continue to experience certain performance difficulties with the PS4 edition,” CD Projekt Red acknowledges. The PS4 Pro and PS5 editions of the game will provide the best experience on PlayStation.

A similar warning appears on Sony's page for Cyberpunk 2077, but it goes a step further in attempting to discourage PS4 customers from purchasing the game. According to Sony's site, "purchase for usage on PS4 devices is not encouraged." “Play on PS4 Pro and PS5 consoles for the finest Cyberpunk experience on PlayStation.”

On last-generation Xbox One and PlayStation 4 systems,The game was troubled by problems on console versions when it released last November, including flying trees within buildings and a pistol lesson with a fake target that became unstoppable until players stopped the game and reloaded a fresh save. CD Projekt Red has promised repairs and provided a timetable of when gamers may anticipate updates since the game's debut. There were several problems and malfunctions across all platforms, but the standard Xbox One and PS4 had the most serious difficulties. After only a week, Microsoft put a warning label on its Xbox shop, while Sony removed Cyberpunk 2077 altogether from its store. Although the physical disc version of the game was still available for purchase on PS4, the absence of a digital version may have hampered sales on Xbox, PC, and PlayStation. 

However, "Cyberpunk" creators subsequently confessed that they had focused on improving the game's quality on PC and new platforms while neglecting the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. Marcin Iwiski, a co-founder, apologized in a video released in January 2021.


 Cyberpunk 2077 Recent Patch Includes New Bugs

Many of the early Cyberpunk 2077 bugs have been gradually patched by CD Projekt Red, but it's apparent that there's still work to be done on the Xbox One and PS4 versions. In the second half of 2021, a free next-gen upgrade will be released for Cyberpunk 2077, with further fixes planned throughout the year.

Related: Cyberpunk 2077 video games PlayStation store PS4 Xbox

H/S : Theverge , Twitter

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