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Mass Effect 3 Guide: Palaven Walkthrough

 The Alliance needs assistance in order to construct the Crucible and stop the Reapers. The Turians are dealing with their own difficulties as a result of the Reaper threat on Palaven.

Before the Reaper invasion, Mass Effect spent years building up to it. Despite Commander Shepard's frequent warnings, no one was prepared when the Reapers attacked.  Shepard proceeded to the Citadel after departing Earth and retrieving vital data from the Prothean Archives on Mars, where they met with the Council and spoke privately with the Turian councilor in Udina's office.

The councilor informed Shepard that the situation on Palaven is dire, and they lost communication with Primarch Fedorian before he could convene a war council. He asks Shepard to travel to Palaven's moon, locate him, and return him. The Turians can't help Earth or build the Crucible until the Primark is found, because they are currently without a leader and are dealing with a slew of Reaper-related issues of their own.

The Landing Zone is the mission

A very precise Commander Shepard can pick up the husks along the cliff while the Kodiak shuttle passes over the Turian encampment below, reducing the number of adversaries they have to confront upon landing. After you've fought your way past the opponents, chat with a Turian soldier and ask for directions to the camp's operations base. On the route to the base, there are spare parts right past the soldier to scan for credits. Climb the building and walk to the edge, where squadmates James Vega and Liara T'Soni will point out the Reaper as you stare into the distance. Take the med-kit and move up the walkway toward the gate, then grab the M-97 Viper and the datapad towards the middle of the base.

Turn left at the fence as you approach the end of the campsite. The M-27 Scimitar and the Assault Rifle Piercing Mod may be found farther along this road. The Kahne-Hadar Greaves, a datapad worth 75 XP, and a med-kit are all kept in a neighboring cage. Return to General Corinthus, but first get the Pistol Piercing Mod and Armax Arsenal Shoulder Guard on the left, where there is also a weapons bench where you may apply modifications or exchange weapons.

General Corinthus verifies that Primarch Fedorian is no longer alive. Shepard can get morality points by apologizing to Corinthus for his loss for +2 Paragon or by screaming, "Damned Reapers!" for +2 Renegade. The Comm Tower must be repaired in order to contact Palaven and learn who the new Primarch is, therefore return to the base's left and the guards will unlock the gates. Outside, eight husks charge toward the team. Backing up toward the guards will urge them to help fight them off, but if Shepard isn't cautious, he'll be hit by friendly fire. Advance toward the Comm Tower after fending off the husks.

Choose one squadmate to rebuild the tower while the other stays behind to protect Shepard from the attack. Defend yourself against the husks, who will continue to attack in waves until the tower is repaired. You can always outrun them if they get overpowering, so back up and sprint away to gain ground and start picking them off again. Shepard and his crew can assist the Turians in stopping the husks from overrunning the encampment after the tower is built. Corinthus summons Shepard back to his base once they've been dispatched. 

Mission: Adrien Victus must be found!

Shepard returns to the base and reunites with former squadmate Garrus Vakarian (assuming he survived the previous games). Corinthus notifies Shepard that the new Primarch is General Adrien Victus, but he is deep in enemy territory and his contacts with his team have been cut off. When Joker phones Shepard to inform them that something is awry with the ship, Liara departs the group and Garrus joins Shepard on their quest to retrieve the next Primarch. Shepard can acquire extra morality points by conversing with Garrus, earning +2 Paragon for asking whether they can trust Victus or +2 Renegade for admitting they NEED him.

To fight off the husks and Marauders, head toward the airfield. Before leaving, pick up the Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade and the supplies on the right-hand side. Corinthus requests assistance in protecting the base, at which time Shepard gains access to the mounted turret. A Brute pushes Shepard and their team beyond the walls after taking down many husks. Take out the Brute and husks, and after the threat has been eliminated, start looking for General Victus. Continue straight until you see the Turian frigate in the distance, at which point Vega will make a comment about the Reaper.

Shepard discovers a datapad beside three dead Turians as he arrives at Victus' last known location. When you approach the area of additional dead troops, you may pick up a med-kit, a datapad, and a Sniper Rifle Spare Thermal Clip. When you get near the frigate, you'll see a cutscene of a ship slamming into the rocks. Further examination reveals that there are no survivors, and Shepard can retrieve another med-kit before continuing.

Mission: Primarch's Rescue

Rushing into the area of an explosion brings Shepard into touch with a group of Marauders and Cannibals. Use the crater to seek shelter and destroy the adversaries as the conflict progresses, bringing a Brute into the mix. Get behind them and take them out from behind. Brutes have a significant weak place on their backside, so get behind them and take them out from behind. Once all of the adversaries have been eliminated, continue forward until you reach the complex, where additional Marauders and two Brutes are causing havoc. A Reaper Blackstar heavy weapon, which produces tremendous explosions, is on the ground near the bunker. This weapon is an excellent tool against chaos, therefore feel free to use it because this is the final battle before reaching the mission's goal.

When the combat is over, look around for the Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope. Before entering the camp where Victus is stationed, grab the med-kit and kill off any lingering foes. When you arrive at the camp, tell Victus that he is the new Primarch, much to his chagrin. He is a soldier, not a politician, but he will carry out his responsibilities. Shepard can receive +2 Paragon points for stating he sounds excellent for the job, or )+2 Renegade for claiming he's all they've got in conversation with him. Shepard's total reputation is increased by 15 points after completing this assignment.

Return to Normandy, where Primarch Victus will take up residence in Normandy's War Room for the time being. If Shepard wants him, Garrus joins the crew. Speak with the Turian Councilor and Admiral Hackett, then look into the issue Joker was having while Shepard was away from the Normandy. In the AI Core, there is a fire. EDI has seized possession of Dr. Eva's body to make herself an even more important asset to Shepard's mission, despite everyone's concerns. On missions, EDI can now join them as a squadmate.

Source: CBR, Youtube

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