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The Witcher 3 Mod concerns voice actors' issues

The Witcher 3 Mod concerns voice actors' issues.

Image Credit Witcher 3 Official
Voice actors in video games are worried about technical advancements that could lead to the usage of AI-generated voices in games, such as in a Witcher 3 mod.

Voice acting for video games is a specialist profession that needs years of experience, classes, and a solid reputation in the industry. A successful career for some voice actors, such as Troy Baker or Nolan North, can rise to a level of celebrity comparable to that of screen actors, and can even affect a person's desire to buy a game. However, some voice performers, like many other professions, are concerned that improvements in AI technology could eventually replace them.

In the beginning of April, a developer called Nicich340 published a mod on Nexus Mods for "The Witcher 3's Blood and Wine DLC." The mod adds an entirely new experience to the game, involving old and new characters, as well as new cutscenes, game objects, and voice acting, with approximately 13,000 unique downloads.

A voice was synthesized using AI, acting in "A night to recall." Geralt of Rivia's new lines were more specific by the fact that Doug Cockle, an actor who plays Geralt in The Witcher 3, accurately reproduced AI. This is a great achievement for some. However, for many voice performers it is disturbing to employ AI to give phrases that are indistinguishable from the truth.

A winner of Divinity Original Sin 2, Spellforce 3, Frostpunk and many more games in a tweeting post, voice player Jay Britton, said that "the replenishment of actors with AI is not only a legal minefield but a complete decision of soul." [translated from] the AI.

Although several expressed Britton's feeling, many answers said that technology like this is inevitable or comparable to AI in chess to generate adversaries. In an interview with Input Mag, voice-player Natalie Winter pointed out that there is already a high level of competitiveness in the world of voice-playing.

In the instance of Nicich340, in the "A night to remember" line, the mod creator used a widely accessible CyberVoice program. Many firms produce what some term the technology of "voice parodying." Obsidian Entertainment uses Sonantic to build sounds created by AI as a temporary replacement for actual performers while creating The Outer Worlds 2. But it might come a time when the technology is not only utilized for placeholders but for substitutes.

The larger the body of work a voice actor has, the easier AI can analyze and recreate the voice of that individual. It can thus be the most successful performers who are outsourced to AI. This concern, meanwhile, is comparable to the concern of screen actors when CGI began using movies to reproduce deceased stars or make elderly actors look younger. Using this technology has so far been restricted to a few instances and has not put actual people's livelihoods at risk. The same is hopefully true for voice performance. 


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