


reveals the Battle for Olympus winner in Overwatch 2

reveals the Battle for Olympus winner in Overwatch 2

The Battle for Olympus limited-time event has come to an end, and Blizzard has revealed which hero had the most overall kills.

Junker Queen had the most kills during the Overwatch 2 Battle for Olympus event, which ended on January 19. Blizzard released a unique, limited-time mode that gave various heroes on the roster mythological makeovers and altered their skills in keeping with the Greek mythology theme of Overwatch 2 Season 2.

Battle for Olympus gave Ramattra a new Poseidon-inspired outfit, transformed Roadhog into a cyclops, and gave Junker Queen a Zeus-inspired makeover. Other heroes received comparable makeovers and were given the task of competing in Free-for-All Deathmatches. While the Battle for Olympus limited-time event was active in the game, Blizzard kept track of every kill that each hero obtained with the promise of awarding the top-scoring hero with their own statue on Ilios.

Blizzard's data shows that Junker Queen won the match with 43,461,573 kills. Damage hero Pharah, who managed to surpass 40 million kills but was still 3 million kills behind Junker Queen, lagged behind Junker Queen by a sizable margin. By the time the Battle for Olympus event was over, Lucio, a popular Support hero, had only been able to move up to third place despite fan efforts to push him to the top of the leaderboard. Ramattra, a brand-new Tank hero, had the lowest kill total with only 25,521,055.

Blizzard claimed that the Battle for Olympus was the "first annual" competition in a tweet announcing the winner, implying that it would become an annual Overwatch 2 event. But unless Blizzard decides to replay the Greek mythology theme from Season 2, a Battle for Olympus revival might seem a little strange. And if the event returns, will the Junker Queen statue be replaced or will another statue be added to an already-existing Overwatch 2 map? If and when Blizzard decides to bring Battle for Olympus back, finer details like this will probably have to wait until the following year.

Given the unfavorable fan response to the Battle for Olympus, some people might wonder why Blizzard would even want to bring it back. It appears that many players were dissatisfied with Battle for Olympus for a variety of reasons; some even went so far as to claim that Blizzard had fixed the competition so that Junker Queen would triumph in the end. In any case, it will be intriguing to see what Overwatch 2 Season 3 has in store and whether it can produce fresh material that is more effective at igniting fan excitement for the game than Battle for Olympus was.

Overwatch 2 is available now in early access for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

Source: Dalton Cooper

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