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Showing posts with the label RussiaShow all
The United Nations will vote on whether or not to expel Russia from the Human Rights Council because of its actions in Ukraine
Ukrainian parliament signed laws offering a $1 million reward to defecting Russian soldiers who hand over a fighter jet or a warship
Japan's top banks are facing massive losses on $8 billion in Russia exposure
Kremlin says Ukraine's attack on a Russian fuel depot creates an uncomfortable backdrop for talks
Russia lost more than $10 billion in military equipment in Ukraine - Ukrainian Defense Ministry
India's neutral position in the Ukraine conflict has been praised by Russia
The US declares that the Russian military committed war crimes in Ukraine
90% of Ukrainians think Russia should compensate Ukraine for reconstructing the country after the war
Russia has suffered its worst massacre of army commanders since the Second World War
A Russian journalist has donated the Nobel Peace Prize to fund raise for Ukrainian refugees
Oil price increase more than 3% as peace talks in Ukraine fail and reports claimed that the EU is considering a ban on Russian energy exports