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Twitch Bans Call of Duty: Warzone Streamer for Using Aimbot Hack

A Call of Duty: Warzone hacker manages to avoid Raven Software's recent ban wave, but Twitch replies with a quick ban of its own. Twitch Bans Call of Duty: Warzone Streamer for Using Aimbot Hack

Raven Software and Activision appear to be trying hard to keep cheats out of Call of Duty: Warzone. 50,000 more hackers were just banned from Warzone. A Twitch streamer named Chrissoaresgtr was one of the players who managed to avoid the wave. He has been banned from Twitch as a result of a Reddit campaign to hold him responsible.

The Twitch streamer was deploying a new hack called "soft aimbot" or "silent aim" by others. It enables gamers to kill adversaries without really aiming at them, eliminating the unnatural snap associated with the aimbot. It's one of the numerous developing hacks in Call of Duty: Warzone that has been warned about. A god mode hack, for example, is a novel and hazardous hack. Players that appear to easily slip through the cracks or employ new tactics are one of the reasons why players have been screaming for genuine anti-cheat software for the battle royale.

The streamer is claiming to be on target and aiming accurately in the video that gamers discovered and distributed online, but his real accuracy is irrelevant. Bullets will hit the target even if adversaries are hidden behind the cover or if the player's reticle/iron sights are not correctly pointed at the body. Call of Duty: Warzone's integrity is clearly harmed by cheats like these. Many of this streamer's buddies appear to have the hack as well, as seen by the comments on the Reddit article published on r/CODWarzone by u/fcpl.

In addition to being banned from Twitch, the community mistakenly believed that the player had been banned from Call of Duty: Warzone permanently. The gamer had apparently been unable to connect while attempting to play with pals, according to updates on the thread. However, game data shows that he is still putting up monster statistics, such as 20, 28, and 29 kill games, as well as victories. The Call of Duty: Warzone community is pleading for action to be taken against hackers in the game since boasting about account banning does not appear to be enough.

Since the release of Call of Duty: Warzone, Activision and Raven Software have taken action against cheaters. Soon after the game's debut, the creators included a reporting feature that closely watches for suspicious activities. However, the majority of the community would agree that the strategy is insufficient.

Following up on many reports takes time, and there are even gamers who claim to have been wrongfully banned, with little prospect of proving their innocence. For over a year, fans have been pleading for a genuine anti-cheat software program within the game, one that can catch cheaters in the act, one that can grow with the hacks, and one that will not enable players to just create a new account and jump back into the action ten minutes later. This would be a big step forward for Warzone, as fresh hackers and cheats continue to join the battlefield.

Call of Duty: Warzone is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

H/S: Reddit Via (GR)

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