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It's dancing spotlight: When world top leaders take to start dancing

It's dancing spotlight: When world top leaders take to start dancing

Sanna Marin is the latest in a long line of politicians who have been caught on camera dancing, some more enthusiastically than others.

Even Sanna Marin's most ardent opposers would concede that the Finnish prime minister throws more than competent shapes – at least when compared to some other world leaders. Her penchant for partying may have gotten her into trouble at home, but even her most ardent detractors would concede that.

Here is one of Theresa May, a former British prime minister, best startling dance performances, which she gave while bopping enthusiastically at the Henley Festival:

At his belated wedding party this summer, Boris Johnson, her successor, showed off some slick moves of his own.

The former German chancellor Angela Merkel is seen further away making a valiant effort, albeit mostly limited to confused handclapping:

Olaf Scholz, her successor, is shown here before his election, steadfastly refusing to bop at all:


 Mark Rutte, the Dutch Prime Minister, appears to be equally hesitant to trip the light fantastic:

And Emmanuel Macron of France clearly despised being dragged up onto a stage in Lagos a few years ago: 

Volodymyr Zelenskiy, on the other hand, was a successful showman long before he became Ukraine's president:

Barack Obama could also cut a rug: 

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, on the other hand, was visibly uneasy while strutting his stuff to American Boy:

Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, knew how to let it all hang out:

Last but not least, let's not forget the big daddy of them all. Boris Yeltsin had a mean leg shake in the previous century. Just not quite as vicious as Sanna Marin's.

Source: Guardian

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