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Wiglett is a new Diglett-like Pokémon that will be available in Scarlet and Violet

Wiglett was surprisingly revealed for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Wiglett was surprisingly revealed for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Wiglett, Diglett's Long Eel Cousin, is introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Another surprising creature has been spotted in the Paldean region of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and this one appears to be something Zendaya would walk wisely to prevent.

The new Pokemon is named Wiglett, and it is a long, worm-like creature that emerges from the ground. Additionally, Diglett, one of the original 151 Pokemon, has a similar set of eyes and nose to this Pokemon, which has already been seen in the new game's trailers.

The Pokémon Company International is usually very good at building anticipation for new Pokémon announcements. Grafaifai's mysterious markings were recently seen all over Twitter before it was revealed, but today we got a surprise stream with no announcement beforehand. It showed off several Pokémon and areas that we've already seen, but the highlight is this brand-new monster.

The new Pokemon resembles a garden eel, a species of eel that lives underground and poke its head above water. It made its debut during a livestream in Japan, which confirmed that even though it represents Diglett remarkably, it is distinct enough from Diglett to be clearly labelled as a distinct species and not a Paldean variant.

The Paldean variant of Pokemon Wooper from the second generation joins Wiglett as the 17th brand-new Pokemon to be revealed for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. LeChonk, the legendary Koraidon and Miraidon, as well as the starter species Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly are just a few of the brand-new species that have been revealed for the new game.

The majority of fans loved and admired Wiglett's image and its high-pitched cry; some even created ASMR using it. 

Wiglett's design is so similar to Diglett's that even the Pokémon team had to explain that they were different Pokémon during the phony webinar. They claim that Wiglett is not a variant of Diglett because "they live and eat differently." If that isn't convincing enough, they add, "it is a coincidence that they have similar bodies, as they both burrow in the ground and the sand." It appears that the Pokémon design team has run out of ideas for new pocket monsters after the 905 already existing Pokémon. Will the next generation feature an orange mouse named Pakichu who sparkles with electricity?

Wiglett is the most recent Pokémon to be revealed for the upcoming Scarlet and Violet games. A few of the new Pokémon revealed for Generation 9 have already made their mark. The internet was particularly taken with Lechonk, a pig whose name describes its body shape. Fidough was revealed two months later, with ears that resembled dough, as the name suggests. Koraidon and Miraidon are a cross between Pokémon and Transformers because they can transform into bicycles. In any case, the next generation of Pokémon promises to introduce new and interesting creatures to catch.

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