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Fan Locations for Animal Crossing Froggy Chair from an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants

Fan Sites for Animal Crossing Froggy Chair from an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants

A fan of Animal Crossing: New Horizons reports seeing a SpongeBob SquarePants episode with the Froggy Chair from the game.

One Animal Crossing player told other players that they discovered a piece of furniture they were very familiar with—the Froggy Chair—in a brand-new SpongeBob SquarePants episode. Since the animated series has been broadcast since 1999, it is not surprising that the illustrators were inspired by one of the generation's most popular life simulation video games.

The fact that popular video games are referred to in other titles, pop culture films, series, or shows is probably not surprising to the gaming community. Given that the Animal Crossing series has been around since 2001 in Japan, many other franchises have drawn inspiration from the various features and components of the game. Similar life simulation video games that have been created and released over the years, as well as the current season of the well-known animated comedy series SpongeBob SquarePants, demonstrate this.

The Froggy Chair, one of the most well-known pieces of furniture from the Animal Crossing video game series, was spotted in one of the more recent SpongeBob SquarePants episodes, Reddit user douglyjohnny reported. The cartoon scene in the photo they shared had two well-known chairs in the foreground and a cute table in the middle. Fans of Animal Crossing reacted and commented on douglyjohnny's thread right away because it was impossible to miss the shape and color of the furniture pieces. The Reddit post has over 50 comments as of this writing and has already received 99% upvotes, demonstrating that there are many SpongeBob SquarePants fans in the forums as well.

People who were surprised by the furniture's cameo and people who were aware that Animal Crossing would eventually appear in a popular animated series like SpongeBob SquarePants commented on the Reddit thread in different ways. Some commenters noted that fans shouldn't give the game all the credit for the furniture appearing in the show because the Animal Crossing Froggy Chair design was actually based on a real-life frog chair. Others countered that it was obvious that the Froggy Chair in the SpongeBob episode resembled the one created by the game's creators.

Whatever the case, whether or not Animal Crossing served as the inspiration for the Froggy Chair in SpongeBob SquarePants, the gaming community probably found it amusing to see something so recognizable in such a well-known show. The next generation of gamers will hopefully be inspired to check out the Animal Crossing series once they are able to choose the games they want to play in the future.

Source: Luie Magbanua, via Gamescensor

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