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Overwatch 2's Roadhog Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine in a Satisfying Clip

Overwatch 2's Roadhog Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine in a Satisfying Clip

In a satisfying clip, the Overwatch 2 character Roadhog is given a taste of his own medicine during a match by a cunning Zenyatta player.

The porcine tank from Overwatch 2, known as Roadhog, has finally tasted his own medicine. Since his first appearance in 2016, Roadhog has been feared for his Chain Hook attack, which draws his adversaries close to him. frequently employed by Overwatch 2 players as a means of dragging their opponent over an infinite chasm to their doom.

The game and its heroes have undergone numerous changes since the release of Overwatch 2. The significant changes to Roadhog and Zenyatta are one such instance. Roadhog has always been a formidable tank, but up until the change to make the attack a Transform Ultimate, his Whole Hog Ultimate ability had made him somewhat vulnerable. This indicates that after activating Whole Hog, Roadhog is still capable of using other powers. Roadhog is incredibly powerful because he has the ability to heal himself and doesn't lose his Ultimate when stunned. The Support hero must maintain a safe distance from enemies even when at full shields because Zenyatta has 650 fewer health points than she does. Fortunately, the same update

Zenyatta uses her potent Snap Kick to knock an unconscious Roadhog off the map in the video rifleman_ posted to Reddit. In the video clip titled "Dedicated to everyone who got hooked into the water on Rialto," Zenyatta exacts her vengeance with comic timing and a sense of catharsis. The Snap Kick is a passive power that transforms Zenyatta's melee strike into a powerful kick that knocks the foe away. An aggressive Zenyatta strategy on MEKA Base has demonstrated its potency.

Reddit users left comments on the video to discuss the best strategies for playing as Zenyatta, and despite the fact that the hero's Snap Kick ability is very potent, some commenters said they never use it, demonstrating the hero's versatility. Others asserted that, despite Ana's more challenging play style, playing as her is a safer bet.

Zenyatta's cosmetic changes in Overwatch 2 have dissatisfied some fans, but the Snap Kick has made the hero a much more viscous character, which has pleased fans. Each hero has a chance to shine as the most potent option due to Overwatch 2's constantly changing environment. With his quick attack speed, potent Transcendence Ultimate, which restores 300 health per second, and now his potent kick, Zenyatta might be the strongest right now.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Author: Conor Lawless

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