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Fan Creates Interactive Animal Crossing Smartwatch Face

Animal Crossing Smartwatch Face Created by a Fan

A fan of the series created an interactive smartwatch face with images of the villagers, icons, and other elements from the Animal Crossing life simulation game.

A Life Sims fan mentions that they are developing an interactive smartwatch face that is based on the Animal Crossing video game. The smartwatch face is probably something that other fans will love to look at while going about their days because it incorporates well-known elements from the game, such as the villagers in Animal Crossing, as well as iconic locations and images.

It is not surprising that fans use the numerous characters, furnishings, and well-known items in Animal Crossing as inspiration for their own original content. This is probably the reason why there is still a ton of activity in the community online. In order to connect with and solicit support from other fans, players probably share their original Animal Crossing designs or the most recent revision to the layout of their desolate island. The devoted fan who is developing their own design for an interactive smartwatch face is probably in the same boat.

User taser9090 announced on the Animal Crossing subreddit that they were working on incorporating elements of the life simulation video game into a smartwatch. Fans were given a sneak peek at the features of the smartwatch face through a video they shared showing off the software. Users will be able to see a variety of different Animal Crossing villagers walking alongside them throughout the day, claims the Redditor. Depending on the time of day where the user is right now, the smartwatch's face will also change its surroundings. The application will also change elements once the user completes or reaches half of their daily step goal, keeping their health in mind.

A YouTube link to the Animal Crossing smartwatch face demo was also shared by Taser9090, giving users a closer look at the program. Fans are encouraged to download the app once it becomes available for download because they can actually see it in action in the video. The YouTube video claims that Samsung's Watch Face Studio was used to create the design by taser9090. There is no information on whether the designer will make the smartwatch face accessible to Apple Watch owners who are also fans of Animal Crossing, though.

Although this is not the first time a fan has created an Animal Crossing watch face, taser9090's original creation is still very impressive and is very likely to catch the community's attention. Many Animal Crossing fans would probably love to apply the face to their own smartwatches, so hopefully they will share a link to the application soon.

Source: Luie Magbanua

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