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Mutan Insight is hiring employees for a high-end RPG remake on PS5

Mutan Insight is hiring employees for a "high-end" RPG remake on PlayStation 5.
Image Mutan
Mutan Insight is looking for employees to work on a "high-end" remake of the PlayStation 5 RPG.

Mutan Insight is now hiring for a "high-end" RPG remake that will be released on PS5.

Essentially, they have never been the lead developer on a large project before, but they have worked on a number of projects that you may be familiar with.

According to Gematsu, the 3D motion designer, 3D art director, 3D backdrop designer, and 2D character designer ads don't reveal much about the remake, except that it could be powered by Unreal Engine 5, which is specifically stated as part of the studio's production environment.

And so few details available, it's difficult to identify which Mutan Insight game is in development. The studio previously worked on the Last Fantasy XV final DLC, Episode Ardyn, and also character models for the Atelier and Blue Reflection series, so the game could be tied to any of the Gust-developed series. If Mutant Insight is working on something related to the Final Fantasy series, there's a potential they'll be participating in the production of the Final Fantasy VII Remake's second installment, which is clearly a "high-end" project.

In terms of the tasks themselves, Mutan Insight appears to be generating cutscenes that will be rendered in real-time graphics, and they are searching for candidates with motion capture experience. Given that the translation is from Japanese to English via Google Translate, expect some amusing results, such as the company's request for a "Personal picture you want" with "Responsible person" directly underneath it. Nice.

As always, we'll keep you posted on Mutan Insight's "high-end" RPG remake, so keep checking for all the updated news.


Mutan Insight is hiring employees for work on "high-end" RPG remake on PS5                                                  Mutan Insight is hiring employees for work on "high-end" RPG remake on PS5

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