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Marvel's Avengers teases | Cosmic Cube Villain Sector | A Major Avengers Villain

 Marvel's Avengers teases | Cosmic Cube Villain Sector | A Major Avengers Villain

Image Marvel Cosmic cube official

Since their formation in September, the Avengers have been battling the forces of AIM in the hopes of finally ridding the globe of their control. The game just debuted a fresh new villain sector, with the squad taking against AIM's Scientist Supreme, Monica Rappaccini. However, the weapon she employs to fight the Avengers may lead to an even more deadly menace in the future.

Crystal Dynamics has begun to tease the individual upgrades now that fans know the schedule for Marvel's Avengers material arriving in 2021. One of these teasers is for a forthcoming Villain Sector, which appears to be a significant turning point in the current Game Avengers plot.

Monica Rappaccini

The Villain Sector will increasingly focus on the Cosmic Cube, a significant artifact in the Marvel world. While its purpose in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was to house the Space Stone, its significance in the comics has evolved over time. Various cubes have been utilized to change reality, bestow superpowers, and even act as Cosmic beings. In the instance of Game Avengers, the Cube appears to provide Monica Rappaccini with a moveset that allows her to battle the Avengers.

Monica uses the full might of the Cosmic Cube to combat with the Avenger, a strong tesseract that stores cosmic energy and provides endless user power. This includes cloning, elementary manipulation and fields of force in the case of Monica. The heroes are supposed to fight Monica and lock the cube away in Hank Pym's base, the Ant-Hill with the aid of Old Man Hawkeye, who debuted in the last DLC. One of Hank's androids was eagerly drawn to the cube and its energy during the final sequence of its mission. The cube has unlimited possibilities, however it may suggest another great villain from Avengers, Ultron.

There in the game, Hank used defunct AIM robots to aid the Ant-Hill region and organize resistance missions. All in all, robots are friends and not enemies, yet logistic troubles are excellent to infiltrate Ultron. One of the shortcomings is the hive mind of robots. In narrative mode, one robot of Hank may easily alter his awareness on the basis of the numerous robots. This may signal a tragedy if Ultron takes over, as every robot can simply be monitored at once.

Unfortunately again Hank Pym's Marvel's Avengers Version shows no interest in continuing to work on robots, such that there is no model for enhancing or corrupting the Cosmic Cube's potency. But that's not the power of the cube. It may accelerate Pym's efforts in a way he did not anticipate if he was able to improve technology to the point of sentience. Ultron feels like an inevitability, as with most Avengers assets.

Although a steep beginning, Marvel's Avengers continues to release new material as Black Panther and Klaw are added to the forthcoming War for Wakanda, and villagers like Loki are keen to return. The cosmic cube, which can be the breath of life which the game so much needs, has in its hands a fresh touch towards the future. It is the components that introduce one of Marvel's most dangerous villains into the game.

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