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First Skulls Confirmed in Halo Infinite Leak

First Skulls Confirmed in Halo Infinite Leak
Halo Infinite's Skull

Screenshots of Halo Infinite's menus have been leaked, revealing what appear to be the first verified Skulls for the forthcoming first-person shooter.

With the conclusion of Halo Infinite's first "Technical Preview," it appears that the dam has been cracked in terms of leaked information about the forthcoming shooter. Halo groups are sharing screenshots of Halo Infinite's menus, data mines of various armor components, and other information. One particularly intriguing piece of leaked information is the first look at Halo Infinite's Skulls. Fans have broken down a snapshot of the Halo Infinite Skulls menu to determine which Skulls are returning.

There are now 13 Skulls in the game, according to the Halo Infinite Skulls menu. The interface does not display the Skulls' names or effects, but that isn't required for Halo aficionados who have spent over a decade acquiring Skulls in Halo games. Bandana, Black Eye, Blind, Catch, Cloud/Fog, Cowbell, Famine, Grunt Birthday Party, Iron, IWHBYD, Mythic, and Thunderstorm are among the 13 Skulls featured on the Halo Infinite menu, according to Redditor TheRageful. They go on to say that the last skull may be Boom, but they aren't positive.

Those titles may not signify anything to Halo fans who haven't participated in the Skull-unlocked tasks, but others will know precisely what to expect in Halo Infinite. There is only one totally helpful Skull, Bandanna, who provides limitless ammo, while the rest, to different degrees, raise the difficulty of Halo Infinite. Mythic boosts opponent health, Cloud/Fog disables the motion tracker, and Black Eye restricts shield regeneration to melee attacks exclusively. There are also two amusing Skulls, Grunt Birthday Party, which causes Grunt headshots to burst in confetti, and IWHBYD, which causes uncommon dialogue.

Some Halo players may be wondering why there are only 13 Skulls accessible in Halo Infinite. That question does not have a clear response. The Halo: The Master Chief Collection includes 38 distinct Skulls, so there are many more to pick from. This leaked menu most certainly does not display all of Halo Infinite's skulls, but it's also conceivable that 343 intends to start with only a handful and then add more later.

Even the leaked Skulls menu screen in Halo Infinite is plainly incomplete. It's nothing more than a series of checkboxes adjacent to Skull symbols. As a result, it's difficult to assume that this list of Skulls is reflective of what will be included in Halo Infinite when it's fully released.

Skulls have long been a feature of the Halo experience, dating back to the first game. Every game launch is crowded with Halo enthusiasts looking for Skulls as if it were a community-wide treasure hunt. The Skulls allow players to not only fully challenge themselves, but also perform a variety of exciting, creative things in-game, such as throwing themselves into normally unreachable regions of the map. The more Skulls there are, the better, and Halo Infinite appears to be starting with some intriguing choices.

Halo Infinite will be available later this year on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

H/S: Reddit

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