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The Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Odyssey crossover has been announced, Massive Dawn Of Ragnarok DLC for Assassin's Creed Valhalla isn't a single game.

Dawn of Ragnarök is a 35-hour addition for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, making it one of the franchise's longest DLCs. This appears to be the most ambitious Assassin's Creed expansion to date.
The Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Odyssey crossover has been announced
Image Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Odyssey crossover

The Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Odyssey crossover has been revealed. The massive Dawn Of Ragnarok DLC for Assassin's Creed Valhalla isn't a single game.

Ubisoft is placing bets on Assassin's Creed's future. The publisher just announced a large expansion for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, as well as a major crossover between Eivor and Kassandra from Odyssey.

Dawn of Ragnarok could be the most ambitious Assassin's Creed expansion to date. Eivor gets back into Odin's sandals as threats from Jotunheim and Muspelheim, led by Surtr, march against Asgard. Over 35 hours of gameplay will be available over the Norse realms, which are roughly one-third the size of England.

With annual mainstream releases from 2009 to 2015, Assassin's Creed is nothing if not a massive franchise. Ubisoft has been extending the life of these games in recent years, with Odyssey in 2018 and Valhalla in 2020 both receiving multiple years of post-launch expansions. With the Crossover Stories extension in 2021, both Odyssey and Valhalla will get new chapters to their stories, while Valhalla will get a large 35-hour Dawn of Ragnarök DLC in 2022.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarök - Cinematic Trailer.

Dawn of Ragnarök is one of the longest Assassin's Creed DLCs to date, clocking in at 35 hours if not the biggest. It's practically another game at that length, and given that you're playing as Havi, Eivor's "ancestor," you could claim it is. So, what is the point of Dawn of Ragnarök as an expansion? In the past, Ubisoft would have created an entirely new game for something like this, for example, Edward Kenway from Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is an ancestor of Connor Kenway from Assassin's Creed III.

Must be realistic, we asked ourselves the same issue," Jose Araiza, extended experience producer at Ubisoft Montreal, told me. According to Araiza, Ubisoft has taken the approach of building its current Assassin's Creed games like theme parks, with each expansion serving as a standalone realm within a larger park.

This felt like the most unified method to give this offering to the players for the squad as a whole," Araiza added. "The team has worked hard to make all material, including expansions, more accessible to users so they may explore Valhalla like a theme park." We wanted players to be able to pick the story they wanted to follow, whether it was in England, Ireland, Frankia, or now Svartalfheim.

Assassin’s Creed Crossover Stories - Announcement Trailer.

To build a documented mythological fantasy, we based our dwarven kingdom design on the Norse Sagas "Mariana Gosteva, Ubisoft Sofia Producer, reveals. "The scale of Svartalfheim is enormous — we built a great setting that allowed us to broaden Odin's mission to save his cherished son Baldr. But there's more – one of our main goals when designing the world was to give players the freedom to explore and investigate, to give them a playground where they can interact with a world that's very different from what they've seen so far in the main game, and to let them experiment with all of the fresh new ingredients we're introducing to the gameplay.

New features 1 and 2 focused further on Valhalla's Viking aspects, as well as examining Eivor as a character in various scenarios "According to Araiza. "Dawn of Ragnarök, on the other hand, feels like the flip side of the coin, when we go further into Norse mythology and, in particular, Odin/backstory. Havi's While we've concentrated on allowing players to play all of the content in whichever order they like, we also believe it's critical to keep these offerings connected. The two experiences are mutually beneficial. We thought Dawn of Ragnarök deserved to be included in Assassin's Creed Valhalla because Norse mythology was so crucial to Viking life.

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The crossover, titled "The Series' First Crossover Story," will be available for free on December 14th. In both Valhalla and Odyssey, one story will be offered. While meeting Eivor and Kassandra may seem unlikely — even for the Assassin's Creed franchise - Odyssey has already proven that Kassandra lived for over 1,300 years thanks to the Staff of Hermes.

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