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The Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Update Modifies the Old Reece

Gaming News Toisthe -  The Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Update Modifies the Old Reece.

In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Definitive Edition, a recent update replaces the face of fan-favorite character Old Reece.

Old Reece
Image vignette

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition has been upgraded by Rockstar Games with a set of fan-requested aesthetic updates for all three games included. A new look for Old Reece, the barber, was just added to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, bringing his appearance closer to that of the original game.

Old Reece is a minor character in the original Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas who some fans believe is a homage to Morgan Freeman due to the design of his character model in the first game. One of the things that makes this character interesting is that he is one of the few unique models that may be encountered outside of a mission, whereas most unique characters can only be encountered in relation to the game's plot.

The main difference is that Old Reece's hair has returned to its natural grey color, which was modified when the GTA: Trilogy was first released. Prior to the upgrade, Old Reece's hair was totally black, giving him a significantly youthful appearance while also detracting from the inferred Morgan Freeman reference that players had linked to him in the PS2 version of San Andreas. It's a modest tweak to a minor character that ends up helping to restore the original play experience to gamers returning to San Andreas as well as new fans discovering the iconic title for the first time.

Fans have reacted well to the latest set of patches, which include a redesign of GTA: The Trilogy's rain effects and other graphic improvements across all three games. Many players are already looking at these changes as proof that Rockstar Games is listening to the community, given that some of these graphic updates were requested by fans. Although some players would prefer that the games had launched with these looks, steady upgrades can be beneficial to a game's lifetime.

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Providing Old Reece his natural hair back maybe a modest gesture to fans who had requested that pieces of the original GTA: San Andreas experience be brought back to the Definitive Edition. With the three GTA: The Trilogy games being so well-liked, it's in Rockstar Games' best interests to make sure that this definitive edition of the games lives up to the hype. Hopefully, there will be more updates in the future to ensure that the developer fulfills the promise that the name implies.

The Definitive Edition of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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