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Showing posts with the label Ukraine SoldierShow all
Ukraine's military is switching to modern weapons in order to repel off eastern assault
Ukrainian soldier says Elon Musk's Starlink satellites have 'changed the war in Ukraine's favor,'  by helping troops to remain online in the face of Russian attacks
Ukrainian air defense units have shot down Russian aircraft, helicopters, and cruise missiles over the past day
Ukrainian soldiers shot down Russian helicopters and destroyed 10 Russian tanks and 15 armored vehicles in eastern Ukraine
Ukrainian military are brave and skillful  that's impressive - U.S. Defense Secretary
Russian Buk missile system is destroyed by Ukrainian Artillery
The occupiers start mobile crematoria in Mariupol - The City Council
Ukraine has regained control of the Entire Kyiv region told the deputy military minister
Ukraine Welcomes Home Soldier Who Said to Russians Go F*** Yourself